Exporting/streaming endpoint logs



I understand that currently, logs are limited to 24h or so in the platform. While this might be sufficient for testing and pre-prod environments, it's quite an important hole for production environments.

My question to the Xano team and the community: if you export/stream logs somwhere else, how do you manage that? What are the best practices?

Some options I thought of:

  • Create a function that would be inserted in every endpoint that would take care of grabbing what's relevant and add it in a new line of a logs table
  • Have all API calls go through a proxy that would then be responsible to log everything

Are there better/easier ways?

Is Xano developing something, whether it be:

  • An integrated feature that would allow, for a price, to extend this 24h period to something bigger
  • A feature that would integrate with some sort of external system responsible of logging queries
  • Any other logs export/streaming feature

If so, it would certainly influcence my choice of working a something new or not to cover this lacking feature.




  • Lachlan
    Lachlan Administrator


    edited March 2023

    Hi Gabriel,

    Thanks for raising this conversation, many of our users have gone down the path of creating their own logging systems for this exact reason. This is normally our advice so you are able to structure this to capture the data that is important to you. The method you mentioned including a function certainly looks suitable to me.

    Can you let me know what types of data you are looking to track specifically, and is this something that isn't possible with your own logging system?

    We are totally open to exploring further options however I'd just like to make sure I have all the data before presenting something to the team.
