Auth API calling wrong endpoint

hicksmadison Member
edited February 2023 in ? Help! I'm a Noob

I have two authentication tables. The ‘users’ table authentication works. I created a second table 'staff' requiring authentication… with it I also created auth API: auth/login/staff and the auth/me/staff. When testing in adalo the auth/login/staff endpoint is working but it is calling the wrong endpoint. It is calling the auth/me (API for user table) and not auth/me/staff. Please help!

se help.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @hicksmadison — this means that Adalo is currently set up to call /auth/me, you'll need to change this in Adalo to call /auth/me/staff. I would check where that API call is set up to trigger in Adalo and try changing it to the correct endpoint URL