Looking for 2 hour consultancy on Xano Login and privacy

Aija Member
edited August 2023 in ?‍? Find an Expert


We are a small no-code agency, currently building a customer project with Bubble.io and Xano. We'd need some help setting up the login, authentication and reset password functions plus a check on privacy matters, such as securing the APIs.

At this moment, the main objective is to get help as a 2 hour consultancy session.

Send me a message about your availability, experience and hourly rate at aija.peltola@simplified.fi.

The faster you are available the better!



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    We have members of Statechange Pro from agencies who come to our group for help with hard-end-of-things problems like this one. Some come for a month or two because they have a challenging part of a problem, and some keep coming back to us for the hard part of their projects. It's not the same as hiring consultants for bespoke work, but it is also far more economical - presently $99 monthly or $699 for an annual membership.

  • Ioannis Roungeris

    Hey, please schedule a call here to discuss everything

  • Aija
    Aija Member

    This problem is solved and app is built but I can't find a way to delete this discussion. So no further offers needed thank you all

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @Aija!

    I closed the discussion so no other comments can be added. 😊

This discussion has been closed.