Get specifics fields listed in an array from an external API response



I tried to map some fields with one of my databases who are listed in an array in an API response.

The API response return me a list of entity with basics fields but 23 more fields are listeds in an array. I can identity the fields i need with a name or an ID and then return the vaue of the field. (As you can see in the screen of the API response).

I do not know how i can i build a get in my "Add or Edit Record" to map a specific field who is locatated in that array with a field of ma database.

I tried to build something like in the screenshot i shared you but i doeasn't work.

In my exemple i tried to map the field named “Price”.

Anyone could help me ?

Thanks !


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @Romain B

    You'll notice that the value line says “entity” but right above you have this as a text string. It's very important that you are searching through the variable entity. This is a common roadblock we see (start at 5:00):

    To Add (or Edit) an array of records to a database you'll need to use a For Each Loop to iterate through each record. Here's an example of how to do so:

    If you need to filter your results first, based on a specific field value you can use the Array Function: Find All Elements. This will return a new array that matches the WHERE clause you define.