1.51.1 (March 6, 2023)

Sean Montgomery
Sean Montgomery Administrator


edited April 2023 in ? Releases
  • improvement - functions, tasks, and addons have a new UI treatment to easily search and sort large lists of objects
  • improvement - all pages now have SEO friendly titles to help users who use lots of tabs!
  • improvement - customize output has a new UI treatment to easily select all/none on different levels of output
  • improvement - create database table now has the ability to create a new API group for crud endpoints instead of only selecting existing ones
  • improvement - quick copy link next to each file on the Files page
  • bug fix - API route issue where it was possible to have conflicting routes through draft publishing
  • bug fix - agency links to their clients were counting as an actual team seat instead of being ignored
  • bug fix - entries filter was not working properly on Get All Environment Variables statement
  • bug fix - can now select more than 50 database records to include in a snippet

see more release notes
