What is best practice workflow to set up 1) update and 2) reset forgotten password in Xano+Bubble?


I am using Bubble for front end and migrating back end to Xano.

I have workflows set up for new user sign-up, login and log-out using Xano's helpful video series. However I am struggling to find similar best practices for setting up a secure workflow for a user who wants to update their password within the web-app, or for a user who needs to reset a forgotten password.

Are there videos on how to do this? Or a guide/ documentation?


Best Answer


  • Antony H
    Antony H Member

    Thanks @Michael Udinski - I'll check it out. Much appreciated

  • Antony H
    Antony H Member
    edited March 2023

    @Michael Udinski. In the end I followed the tutorial below to try and set up passwordless authentication as the default route to enter the site, but having an issue on this. (I think if I used the Magic Link as a route to reset password per my original intention, I'd have to make the same API connection and face the same issue)

    The issue I encounter is that when initialising the ‘Login with Magic Link’ call (= at 6:10 in this video), I get an error message: ‘You have set the data type of this call to JSON/XML, but what is returned is not an object, but a text. Please check your settings.’

    I can see on the comments to the video another user reported the same issue. Like them, I can't find anything I am doing differently to the video. Prior to following this video I followed the ‘Magic Link - Passwordless App Authentication’ video to get SendGrid set up etc. I'm not sure if what is causing the error is from something I did in that process, or in following the ‘magic link with bubble’ video.

    Any thoughts welcomed. Once the above is fixed, everything else looks good for setting up passwordless authentication. Thanks!

  • Antony H
    Antony H Member

    Figured out the solution to this one now @Michael Udinski - Just required following your advice in the attached post to change the Xano response format to an object and provide a path/name of authToken alongside the token variable to generate a key:value pair.

  • cardinalsofnc

    Hi @Michael Udinski - I am trying to follow these steps to implement reset password using Adalo as a front end. I am getting stuck pretty early on - getting an error message "no user found for that email," even though there is a user with that email address in my users table

    Any ideas?

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @cardinalsofnc - did you update the functions in your reset password logic to point toward your existing user table?

  • cardinalsofnc

    @Michael Udinski it looks like I didn't do that. is there an easy way to switch out my user table with user-do-not-use?