Is it a problem to have a large number of requests in a webhook?


Hey All
I am working with the whatsapp api, after finishing the logic of the chatbot (a basic chatbot) I am testing only with two conversations, reached more than 350 webhooks, because whatsapp sends several webhooks for each message.

This could be a problem when it is in production? and many more people use this service?
I should clarify that most of the webhooks are informative, that is, they simply inform the status of the messages, (sent, delivered, read) etc. that in the logic really are not important these webhooks for anything. simply receive it and that's it.

I have also experienced that after several minutes I get automatic messages from the chatbot, after 10-15 minutes, that I tested. and I am no longer sending or receiving messages. Why does this happen?



  • MattLaro
    MattLaro Member ✭✭
    edited March 2023

    You might want to check the following limits regarding Xano plans just to make sure you're within your plan coverage :

    It seems Xano considers their own document link to be unsafe! Search for “bandwith usage” and “api rate limit” in their documentation.

    As with everything in life, it depends.

    Recieving a large amount of queries that sends very little data or do very little processing (like with Webhook which is usually save information for later or for logging) is usually not problematic and perhaps expected in some cases, as long as your processes when receiving that information is not saturating your system or your bandwith. If your target application sends enormous amounts of useless API calls however, I'm not sure you can do much about that unless there are some settings on that side of the fence you can tweak to only send webhook calls on specific occasions.

  • nelson artunduaga

    Heey matt! thanks for reply

    I currently have the launch plan which states that I have no limits to api calls.
    But I wanted to know if maybe so many calls could work against me when more people are using this chatbot and maybe it is a problem instead of a solution to have made this chatbot.
    finally, how can i check how much bandwidth has been consumed? or how is this measured?

  • MattLaro
    MattLaro Member ✭✭

    That is an excellent question. I also have no idea where to find information about bandwith usage unfortunatly. They do summarize how it is measured in their docs, but as to where you're currently at, your guess is good as mine 🤷‍♂️.

  • nelson artunduaga

    @Michael Udinski
    Hey michael could you help me with this question? thank you very much for your help.

  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hey, Nelson. @MattLaro is pretty much spot on with this — it really just depends on exactly what you're doing. I will say that it is never a “problem” to have more requests incoming; the question is what do we need to do to manage performance as the number of calls increases. While we can't provide specific details on the number of requests each plan can handle as every use case is different, we understand it's not always easy to know when you need to upgrade. In our documentation, we have a thourough write-up on how to make this determiniation and suggestions for adjustments to make, but the tl;dr is that if you look at your usage graph, and your API usage (the yellow line) is high, but the blue line is low / semi-low, that is almost always telling you that you will need to upgrade your Xano plan so you can take advantage of the additional compute power offered with those higher tiers.

  • nelson artunduaga

    Thank you very much for responding. This topic is completely new to me, so I don't understand every aspect very well. In conclusion, could we say that the number of API calls won't be an obstacle, but rather the processing of information that arrives at the webhook in my business logic?
    2. I was reviewing the bandwidth consumption in the documentation, and they mention Downloads, Uploads, and Streaming video. In my case, since the API calls only deliver plain text, I wouldn't have problems with high consumption, as far as I understand, right? @Chris Coleman

  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    The bandwidth specifically relates to file storage — images, videos, and file attachments. You are correct in that the bandwidth limit has no impact on your API responses.

  • MattLaro
    MattLaro Member ✭✭

    Thanks for the info @Chris Coleman. I thought API calls did have an impact on the bandwith. Good to know! :)