How long will it take to run a stack that adds roughly 17M records?

JayyyTeee Member
edited March 2023 in ❓Other questions

I will be adding data very soon and i want to get a rough estimate to how long it will take to add the data so i can prepare for it.

(just text for each record nothing else)

Thank you in advanced.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @JayyyTeee it would be extremely tough to estimate this. For example, is each record uniform? how many fields are contained on each record, where is the data coming in from, API vs Background task, etc. 17m+ statements is going to definitely take quite some time. If you are able to import the records via CSV, I'd recommend that: The CSV import runs on separate resources, runs in the background (so you can leave while it's importing), and will Email you when it's complete.

  • JayyyTeee
    JayyyTeee Member

    Coming from an API.

    2 fields are being filled per record (being text).

    Dont think getting a csv is possible for this scenario. This is why i want to prepare because i figured it would take some time and i need to monitor it.