Native Xano Memberstack Alternative



I am building a membership site with multiple subscription plans. I have worked through the Webflow-Xano-Memberstack demo which provides a basic solution. I am trying to minimize my application stack and was wondering if anyone has built a membership site using native Xano, and eliminating the need for Memberstack.



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    You can clone at least the back-end of memberstack features with Xano if you want to put in the time. The front end you could replicate with no/low code front ends. I don't see what technically would block this from working in the medium term.

    However, I would say that the mental model of no-code is often buy over build. We spend a bit more on the tools to remove developer labor cost. If you have a need that is unmet by memberstack, rolling your own in part or whole makes sense. But if you're just removing the monthly expense, I'd ask how much cost you're taking on by owning the concern at this lower level.