Possible to do "On update current timestamp" like in mysql?


Hi there,

is it possible to have a field which has the timestamp of the last edit? In mysql you could do that direclty on the field so you do not have to update that timestamp on your own.

Best Answer

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    @Stefan Pointecker all logic in Xano is done through the function stack. Anything directly in the database is for raw database entry only. So you can have a last edit field, and whenever you use an edit record function, just update the field with the timestamp “now" and it will automatically update the most recent time.


  • Stefan Pointecker

    Hi @Michael Udinski ,

    thanks for your answer. That's what I am doing, but in my case there is the possibility that someone edits the data directly via xano. And then that is “missed” in the last edited timestamp. But if the only way is to use the function stack I will need to find a workaround for that :)