is anyone using xano in production?

Gavin McMurdo
Gavin McMurdo Member
edited March 2023 in ❓Other questions

Hi there folks

I'm interested in understanding if anyone has successfully used xano for a production app. I just added two React devs and have seen significant performance issues since then.

If you are, I'd love to understand your scale and how you leveraged the various offerings to be successful.



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @Gavin McMurdo I'm sure you're more curious about community feedback. I can quickly chime in and let you know Xano is being used for a wide variety of production applications.

    I'm curious what you mean by

    I just added two React devs and have seen significant performance issues since then.

    Do you have any specifics where you can provide clarity?

  • Gavin McMurdo

    Hi @Michael Udinski

    Thanks for the quick response.

    Yeah, it is extremely difficult to determine when it is me doing something stupid or, in the few cases where it is a xano issue.

    At some stage, I will have to upgrade my xano account - how to know when to do this proactively? - I'm bootstrapping this effort, and so $ is tight. 😓

    I can share additional details if you want.

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Yeah sharing specific details would be very helpful otherwise I'm still in the dark :)

  • Gavin McMurdo

    I've opened support tickets. Here is an example of what I'm seeing, using the dashboard.

    I've gotten to the point where I've implemented outside-in monitoring on three the API's and have screenshot the status page.

    these monitors only check for non-200 errors on three API's

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Interesting, I do see that one outlier has a 60-second response time. Support will be able to investigate best and serve you here, especially if you already have an open ticket with them. If you provide them with as many details as possible including when this happens (if it's more than an isolated incident) this will help expedite the support process.

    Performance troubleshooting can often be quite involved and complex due to the variability and uniqueness of everyone's applications. We set this expectation that it can take a couple of weeks in our documentation:

  • Gavin McMurdo
    Gavin McMurdo Member
    edited March 2023

    @Michael Udinski I have been seeing sporadic latency spikes like this happen more frequently over the last three weeks - we are in the process of implementing latency monitoring. I've also noticed that the admin console will give me an "unable to find workspace" error at the times when I'm seeing high latency. Support case filed.

    The short version is that I would like to Xano for this startup, and I see things like this as growing pains. I'm willing to bet that I can do things in a more efficient & effective manner so as not to encounter this as much.

    Maybe time for another office hour session, assuming that you still do them?

  • Gavin McMurdo

    I wanted to update this thread. Many thanks to the phenomenal support folks at Xano who have worked tirelessly to figure out what is happening. The short version is that I am hitting the limits of the plan. I am three times the size of their design approach. However, they are addressing the lessons learned, and I am optimistically looking forward to the path forward. To make this actionable for others, here are some key points:

    1. reduce the number of API endpoints (I had over 500 at one point in the Launch plan, I've since reduced this to around 300 with plans to reduce further)
    2. reduce the field counts in the tables - I have one table over 300, so I will be reducing this.

    Many thanks again to the xano support folks!!!

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Awesome, thanks for updating the post @Gavin McMurdo :)