Tired of Bubbles Recursive workflows looking alternatives for External APIS


Hey all!

About two years ago now I built my first bubble App. Things have been going somewhat smoothly. The app is similar in a way to Pcpartpicker its large data aggregation site but in a different industry.

This being my first true app I've built a lot of things wrong including the database data structure and this has been causing endless headaches. Recently I got some access to APIs which I thought would make my life easier.

Then I found the number of Recursive workflows and always worrying about hitting server capacity to be a nightmare. I feel like bubble is great but the API integration from 3rd leaves a lot to be desired especially for a data aggregation app.

Is Xano a good place to pull large amounts of API data into a database? What is similar to a Recursive workflow on Xano's side is more of a traditional loop? Can I schedule APIs to run once a day to check inventory & updated pricing with relative ease?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @mack — we see a lot of people from Bubble find Xano for similar reasons.

    To directly answer your questions:

    • Yes, Xano is a great place to store large amounts of API data into a database. We see many people leverage Xan for this use case. You can easily scale your database storage on all our paid plans as needed and monitor it from your instance view. We have seen use cases with millions of data records being stored in Xano.
    • Your thinking is correct! In Xano you have access to Loops to perform recursive workflows.
    • Yes, you can schedule APIs to run on a recurring basis to check and update pricing. These are done in background tasks, otherwise known as Cron Jobs.