Xano authentication not working with flutterflow


We've successfully added login api on flutterflow, but when we get all contact from a user, flutterflow kept giving

401 error code unauthorized.

What are we missing ?


  • gbdoin
    gbdoin Member

    This screenshot shows a static auth token. Wouldn't you want to use something dynamic like this?

    Anyways it should still work with your static token. Did you try it in Xano's Run & Debug? Somewhere else like Postman?

  • liam
    liam Member
    edited March 2023

    The static token is just for testing purposes.

    it worked on xano run & debug. its weird

  • gbdoin
    gbdoin Member

    Some things that come to mind that you can doublecheck:

    • Do you see the same 401 in request history?
    • Anything in the function stack that could return this instead of Xano's built-in endpoint auth?
    • Is the endpoint URL really the good one, and are you testing the right version of the endpoint?

  • liam
    liam Member

    its working now, i change my auth table to users collection

  • studalrymple

    Hi @liam - when you say you changed your auth table to Users Collection, did you mean you're just using Flutterflow for Auth and essentially given up trying to get Xano Auth to work?

    This seems like a common issue, and one I'm having too. I'm using Xano for everything except Authentication, just because it's too hard to get working and no-one seems to know how.

  • Abdullah Abdulkarim

    Hey team, I'm having an issue here as well, I can't call the Xano API through Postman but it works on Draftbit