Can you control Front-End elements visibility based on login status on Webflow?



I'm curious if there's a chance to simply control elements visibility (perhaps with attributes system) based on user's login status in Webflow.

Currently I'm using Memberstack and it's pretty easy to do it so. Memberstack handles user status validation and I just need to set up elements' attributes. But I wonder how to do it with Xano. Do I need to run API on every page to check if user is logged in or is there an easier way?

Thanks legends!


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    I would probably check for the cookie or localstorage holding your authentication token. If it is present, you can proceed showing authenticated content. If not, not. This is a bit of javascript you would need running on your page.

    If you are looking to roll your own control on the front end,but you want it to be more nocode, I might check out wized in your journey. We often discuss getting control over webflow with wized and embedded javascript while connecting to Xano as part of the "hardest 5%" we tackle in our daily State Change Pro office hours and forum.