APIs are not returning 'add-on' data


Hi, how can we determine if Xano / our Xano instance is experiencing issues? Our APIs are not returning 'add-on' data. Endpoints were working without issue just hours ago.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @forgelab can you provide specific information? I haven't seen any bugs come across for Addons.

    What will be helpful:

    A loom video detailing exactly what's going on, how your Addon is mapped, how your data is set up, what you're expecting, and what you're getting back. Or screenshots detailing this and any more relevant information, thanks!

  • dmb_bit
    dmb_bit Member

    I am having the same issue with a particular add-on not displaying correctly in API.

    I have a balance table that displays information from a detail table based on 3 values from balance table.

    1 userid
    2 accountid
    3 fulldate

    All 3 values above used as add-on inputs.

    Both add-ons (with identical inputs) function properly when testing within add-on area.

    Surprisingly the add-on that displays total record count displays, but the add-on with a sum of amounts does not display in the api (unless I hard code the date [input for add-on]).

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @dmb_bit - I'm having a tough time following here. Are you able to provide a loom video of what you're trying to accomplish?

  • dmb_bit
    dmb_bit Member

    I've posted a Loom showing might situation. To sum it up, I have 2 add-ons that take the same exact inputs (1 for sum, 1 for count).

    The count add-on works perfectly, but the add-on using the sum aggregate does not work unless I hard code the date.
    This should be pulling the date from the balance table the exact same way the add-on does for count - but it won't display (although it does work fine running as standalone -not inside an API response).

    At the very end, I hard code a date to show that it works, but for some unknown reason the date is not feeding into the add-on from the balanceday table rows.

    Hope this helps!