Generate CSV with single column


Hello, trying to generate a CSV file with 1 column and for some reason all rows are treated as columns instead, not sure if that is a bug or not, maybe someone would have a better idea : )


Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023 Answer ✓
    • If there are no commas to delimit the columns, you might have an easier time using the "join" filter on your array to connect all the elements with newline characters so it's one-per-line.
      So for line 5 in your function stack:
    • Create variable
    • Set the variable name to csv
    • Set the value to column_name (the array)
    • Add the filter join
    • Add the separator of a newline character


  • tomas randomas

    Thanks @Ray Deck! It was a while since I had to ask a new question, you're a good tutor!

    To anyone who might stumble upon this, I solved it like that, and it completely makes sense.. each row as a new array (within rows array)