How do I fix "Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded"


Hi. I'm trying to parse a text file. I'll be getting some data from the file and adding them to a record however I'm receiving this error: Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded. I have hunch that it's because of these characters: á,ü,ó, etc. I tried using the strip accent filter however I still keep getting this error. Is there any way I can solve this?



  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hey there! Sorry to hear about this. Can you please provide an example of some of the data, either here or by reaching out to us via support chat? Thanks so much!

  • chrstnstl
    chrstnstl Member

    @Chris Coleman where can I reach the support chat?

  • luigi.grossi
    luigi.grossi Member


    I have the same issue. Italian words may include è é à ù, how can it be fixed?

  • Lefteris -


    One possible work around could be just saving the data from the frontend in an HTML format, which would encode them to something like this "à".

    Then, when needed to retrieve those data, just decode the API response in the frontend.

  • luigi.grossi
    luigi.grossi Member

    Ok, I would rather create a function in Xano to perform the conversions so I may re-use it where this is needed. If anyone from Xano can help on this so I know where to apply it in order to avoid future bugs…