Is there a way to get the 10kb API response limit lifted?


Hi Team,

I'm trying to decide on a backend for an OpenAI API run app however, now they've lifted the token limit, the expectation is to see 5000 words (and potentially even more when they bring in the 32k token limit instead of the 8k that is available in GPT4 currently) results sent to and from the API. This will be more than 10k characters for sure. I am not an enterprise customer, just a startup, however have you considered whether there could be an option for $x/month to uncap the 10kb API response limit for regular accounts? I'm fine to pay but not going to pay hundreds of dollars per month for an unmonetised concept yet.

Unfortunately, if this is not available, I expect this may lock you out of many people looking to use this API in interesting ways. Unless I am misunderstanding what the 10kb limit refers to?



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    There is a 10k limit on the error log telling you about inputs and outputs in the request history. But I've found no such problem in xano itself. I just tested an endpoint on a launch plan (the lowest of the paid tiers) which generates an arbitrarily large string and found no such restriction. Made an arbitrary return text of 3MB without issue - and fast!

    Are you experiencing a block in getting your data?