Over the weekend was there a change to how the builder tracks variables


I just noticed a change that might have fixed a "bug" but also removed a "feature."

When building/testing functions, I sometimes create two variables with the same name but with different data sets. As I test, I hide one and make the other visible. It's an easy way to

This morning, when I tried to switch "flip" that variable (turn one off, turn the other one on), the function stack seems to have noticed that—although they have the exact same name—they are different variables. Now I have to go through the whole stack and re-select the variable.

Not as handy.

Was this intentional? Could it be undone?

Thanks for everything!


Best Answers

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hi @Erin — I'm not seeing the same behavior this morning. Do you have a Loom video of what you're experiencing on your end?

  • Erin
    Erin Member
    Answer ✓

    Nevermind! Turns out I had a typo in my second variable's name. Thanks for prompting me to look closer :)
