1.52.0 (March 27, 2023)

Sean Montgomery
Sean Montgomery Administrator


edited May 2023 in ? Releases
  • improvement - Xano Link now supports transmitting data across workspaces, along with several usability improvements for easy select all/none at the group and global levels as well as automatic dependency inclusions
  • improvement - re-styled database list page that is more space friendly to large monitors
  • improvement - more streamlined run&debug experience that lets you re-edit the inputs without changing tabs when you want to quickly re-run the process
  • improvement - creating a workspace now lets you move forward quickly with a name and 2 clicks - no more answering questions to if all you want is an empty workspace
  • improvement - database spreadsheet view has some usability improvements with using copy/paste or control/command keys
  • bug fix - merging functions with nested functions would sometimes lose their references
  • bug fix - default values were sometimes incorrect when adding custom roles using RBAC
  • bug fix - clicking on an instance with a billing issue when being the developer and not the instance owner, would result in an empty screen that didn’t make sense
  • bug fix - dependency lines would not be re-drawn correctly when scrolling on the table relationship mode on the Database Tables page
  • bug fix - run & debug was not treating null values correctly when having inputs that are file resources

see more release notes