Is there a way to generate a thumbnail from an image stored ?


Hi everyone, I'm currently saving my files in the database (mostly images and pdf files), but in FE there is a request to see thumbnails of images or PDF files. Is there a way to do this on Xano? Any suggestions, or help helps me a lot, thanks everyone


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hi, Minhmon! For images, Xano provides dynamic image transformation via URL which can serve the purpose of serving thumbnails. Here's some documentation on that feature.

    The PDFs make things a little trickier; you'll likely have to utilize a third-party service via an external API request for this as it will require some conversion. I would also consider whether a thumbnail for a PDF even makes sense, assuming the PDFs are just documents in nature; perhaps a placeholder image noting that this file is a PDF would suffice?