Import large csv file into XANO with the help of the api

TD Member
edited March 2023 in ? Working with APIs

Hello all, what is the best way to upload a big csv file from the client side through XANO api?

I have no issue with 5MB files but once I try to upload a 50MB file it gives me the following error: An unknown error has occurred. This may be a random occurrence or a memory issues.

Is there some kind of similar solution to what AWS s3 does when uploading big files into multipart or any workaround such as transforming the data before sending it to the API?

Thank you for the help!


Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Uploading the file is relatively straightforward, but you get in trouble when you start cutting it apart. This is a subject we are working on in the statechange community with a member uploading a 500MB CSV. We found some success in chopping the file in one endpoint or background task and shipping pieces to other Xano apis. You will also find that upgrading Xano increases the memory allocated,m kaing it easier to work with a large file with less ceremony.

    ETL work is critical for organizations making meaningful apps, and working these kinds of data manipuation problems is part of the hardest 5% we focus on cracking in our daily office hours and discussions on so our members can ship faster.


  • TD
    TD Member

    Great, thank you Ray for the answer. I will look into upgrading Xano in the meantime