Reduce fuzzy search match scope

luigi.grossi Member
edited April 2023 in ?‍? Find an Expert


I am currently using fuzzy search and in general it works like I am expecting, however if I do search for the word "comune" in Italian, it gets back "comuni" (ok), "comunale" (kind of ok), "comunicazione" (not ok).

I am not using anything else than the word for my expression, how can I restrict the search to reduce the distance from the orginal word of 1 character? I hope I explained it properly.

Thanks a lot!



  • Mike Akister

    I don't have an answer as I'm also struggling with fuzzy search. But during my struggles I noticed than you can specify the language that you wish to use in your search upon creation. Just thought I would pass that info along in case it helps.

  • luigi.grossi

    Hello Mike,

    thanks for the reply! I did set the language and it certainly helps. I was trying to understand if fuzzy search had any more feature apart from the rank itself (ex. distance).

    I used the rank on the Xano query to exclude matching results that were too far from my initial search and it made a great improvement. I excluded all the results having a rank below 1 by checking them in a loop. Since my query will be always on a limited number of records (less than 5000) it should be ok for the time being.

    Let's see if anyone else has any better idea or provides any "secret" setting we can use. :)