How do you design your Xano DB schema?


Hello! I wonder if there are any good practices about designing Database Schema with Xano.

Does Xano comes built-in with any tool that would generate such schema (of the existing tables)?

We're thinking of using to design our DB, and then integrate those into Xano manually, but I was wondering if there wouldn't exist something a bit easier to use.

Do you use any particular tool? Or do you build your Xano DB directly in Xano without going through a design step first? 🤔

Best Answer

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    There isn't a way to "apply" a schema. Technically, you could do a CSV import of each table or import from Airtable to bring schema in but those are designed for importing data.

    If you select "show table relationships" on the database you can look at your tables and relationships in an interactive view just like the tool you posted.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @Ambroise — I LOVE your approach by visually designing your DB first. We like to recommend that users starting from scratch start to plan their DB in a Miro board or something visual like the diagram tool posted. Naturally in development, there will be tweaks and changes along the way but No Code/Xano enables you to make those changes quickly and keep iterating.

  • Ambroise
    Ambroise Member

    Thanks @Michael Udinski, I'm looking about 2 things mainly:

    1. The ability to "apply" a schema into Xano
    2. The ability to get a "visual schema" from an existing Xano DB (image, or interactive)

    The goal is to streamline the development process by simplifying those steps.

    Airtable provides something for 2) through an App, that helps visualise connections between tables.