bug or not bug ?


Hi there?

I installed the "magig link with sendgrid" from the marketplace, with success. I remove my existing default auth api bloc and replaced it with all the ones comming with the market extension. I connected the authentification token to my "contact" table which is the reference user table. I added a json extras for a user role as an authorization method. all running good within the Run & Debug inside xano but not into swagger ! I could /auth/login then with the received token get a /auth/me correctly. But no more any other api get which only use the same token as auth/me. error 401… is anybody have a trouble with authorization or url error message when auth login from external request ?

Best Answers

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hey @thierry - you will need to make sure your API endpoints that require authentication point towards the table you are authenticating against. This is configured in the settings of your individual endpoint:

    Additionally, in your endpoint such as auth/login, where the Token is created you must make sure it is pointing to the relevant table.

    My above examples are using the user default settings, so if you've changed the table you are authenticating against please make sure to set these accordingly.

  • thierry
    thierry Member
    Answer ✓

    Thank you Mickael, effectivly I don't changed all the Athentification setting in all the api's, just for the /auth/ group… sorry. Must correct this by selecting "contact authentification" for all my apis for each group.