External API call successful, but unable to save data on the database! Please help


Hi Xano team,
I am super new to Xano, so excuse my naivety. I've been working on getting the data from external API, and I've been successful in calling the data, but when it comes to saving the data using the 'for each loop option', I seem to be having no luck.

I've thoroughly followed the instructions from this youtube video but still have not gotten a solution.

Appreciate your support! Thank you :)

Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    SO the problem appears to be that you are inserting based ont he naming sustem you have in your table but not the naming system in the results from your API. For example, your api returns something called "providerId" but your table is called "provider_id." That's fine, but your get filter needs to be based on the naming system from the API, not your table. so you want to "get" providerId and add it to the provider_id field. That means the auto-populate trick that you used is going to give you the wrong field names every time. Adjust the get to use the naming system from the API, and you will be all set.

    My trick for working this. Set up a stop-and-debug for "item" in your loop. Run to see this output - those are the names you need to "get". Then also open up the "add record" call. You will have that in a middle column with your stop-and-debug output on the right. Makes it really easy to use the reference to get the right source data into the right fields.

    It's work, but its mechanical at that point.

    Hope this sorts you, and if not, please loom up your current point of difficulty so we can get you squared away!

    Working these kinds of data wrangling issues are often the hard bits. We work on them every day in our recorded office hours and loom-enabled (like you just did!) q&a at State Change Pro.


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    The devil is probably in the details of your add record call. Could you make a quick loom or take some screenshots of how that step and maybe others are configured?

  • hustler
    hustler Member

    @Ray Deck Thank you so much Ray for your willingness to help! As suggested I've made a loom video - hoping you can guide me in the right direction.

  • hustler
    hustler Member
    edited April 2023

    Hi @Ray Deck That worked like magic 🤩 Thank you so much for your guidance, and I am seriously considering joining the State Change. I do have a few questions though, listed below:

    1. If I've any queries, is this something that gets addressed during the scheduled office hour, or is there a process for it? I can't imagine my query getting addressed each day, every day.
    2. Regarding the dedicated forum mentioned on your website, is there a turnaround time or SLA offered to members - giving them the confidence that their query will be answered within x hours?
    3. Is it possible for you to share the detailed list of all automation and data tools that are supported? I didn't see Flutterflow on the 'Where we can help' section but luckily noticed it in the dynamic hero section.

    Thank you again for all your help :)

  • hustler
    hustler Member

    @Ray Deck That worked like magic🤩 Thank you!
    I am considering state change membership, but I have a few questions below. Hopefully, you can address them.
    1. If I've got a query, will this be addressed every day during office hours? Or is there a process to it? I can't imagine I am the only one with queries, and my queries will be addressed each day, every day. Is there a triage process for this?
    2. Regarding your website's dedicated forum, is there a guaranteed turnaround time for a response to the member's queries? This would give us confidence that our questions will be answered within x hours.
    3. Lastly, can you share the detailed list or add it to your website so we can see a list of all the supported tools? Example - I didn't see Flutterflow under the "Where we can Help" section, but I luckily noticed it in the hero section. This will be helpful.

    Thank you again for your help! Warm regards

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Hey @hustler, so glad it worked out for you.

    State Change is focused on helping people help each other with the hardest 5% of problems we run into in shipping no-code/low-code projects Sometimes that's a more conceptual question, sometimes that's digging into the weeds. Our members keep bringing novel tools and resources into their project - a no-code mental model is that of a shopper - and we work together to figure out the best practices to get maximum value from minimum time. We have over 200 hours of recorded office hours plus dozens of forum posts.

    Our process is that someone has a question, they can start by searching our knowledge base of videos and discussions to see if some aspect of it has been discussed before. Then they post on our forum, usually with a loom. We discuss it, and if it calls for more progress, we add it to a queue for office hours. Most problems can get help within the day becasue what is hard for you is often not hard for someone else (or for me.) But sometimes things require digging in deeper, and we are all dedicated to working through the hard bits.

    Either way, our focus is learning over and above fixing. We want to understand why something is happening so we can carry that mental picture forward to make more progress next time too. Some of our members call office hours "school." It kind of is - one where we all learn together.

    So we don't have a particular list of tools we support. We've worked on Xano (a lot), Weweb, Make, Zapier, Flutterflow, Plaid, Stripe, OpenAI - and a host of others. We just did an office hours "extra" session focused on flutterflow auth and push notifications to crack a bunch of intersectional problems (google service accounts, firebase cloud messaging, flutterflow, xano) related to those two key features. It was an awesome session. The recording is available for all statechange members.

    The key is the mental model of connecting our desired outcomes with how these services and the computer itself thinks, and how to keep forward momentum. We don't indulge in the hypothetical "what's the best way" - we focus on what's the next way. Keep working the bottleneck.

    When we use this mental model and combine it with our experience and cross-support, we get extraordinary outcomes. The promise of learning what's next what excites me about opening the statechange forums each morning, and getting on the zoom call for office hours each business day.

    I hope you'll consider joining us!