send push notifications

Moises Member

how i can send push notifications from Xano to a flutter app?


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    You will need the firebase cloud messaging token and a service account on google cloud platform attached to your firebase account. The pattern is a call to firebase cloud messaging from Xano authenticated using client credentials flow.

    We just did an office hours extra session in Statechange where we walked through the steps for doing all this with Xano and Flutterflow. This process is basically the same as vanilla flutter if you have the FCM token in hand.

    If you join, you can check it out and ask further questions of this intersectional variety. Could be the fastest way to unstick you. If its not enough, we have a forum and office hours to crack the novel parts so you keep making progres. And if the resource as a whole you find not helpful, we do full refunds in the first month.

  • Moises
    Moises Member

    thanks for your answer. I have sent a request to join

  • Kat
    Kat Member

    Hello @Moises, did you finally succeed ?

  • wojtek
    wojtek Member

    Hi, if you are looking to use push notifications without custom code (the no-code way 🚀) in FlutterFlow you have to use Firebase. You have to have Firebase set up to get Device Token that you will later use to deliver push messages to the device.

    But good news is you can use Anonymous authentication in Firebase, so you don't have to store your users data in Firebase, just use it to get Device Token. When set up you get Device Token via Action and to Xano API to store in your DB for later use.

    In Xano you have to create integration with Firebase Cloud Messaging. Then use Device Token to send push to the device.

    It's not easy/straight forward but doable. Check docs below.

    FF how to:
    FCM docs for Xano integration:

  • wojtek
    wojtek Member

    BTW There is info on their community that apparently FF team is working on native OneSignal integration.

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Hey Kat: yes, multiple state change members successfully implemented push notifications to FF from Xano

  • Gustavo Santos
    Gustavo Santos Member
    edited November 2023

    I guess Xano has a snippet for OneSignal