Xano + Ably + Bubble

Duncy Dunc
Duncy Dunc Member

Hey guys, this isn't a direct question about Xano, but I "would possibly" be using the Xano Ably plugin…

I'm using Bubble, I have chat functionality built with Xano and Bubble. See screenshot.

Everything works perfect, except the live refresh. I can refresh every 10 seconds or so, but this presents a couple problems I havn't solved for yet.

I'm wondering if I should use Ably for chat.

  1. Does anyone know if this would solve the live refresh problem on bubble?
  2. Do you know if Ably provides an embed to place onto my bubble chat page?

I may be misunderstanding how Ably works with Xano and bubble.

Thought I'd see what you guys and gals thought. Thanks any insight!



  • Duncy Dunc
    Duncy Dunc Member


    I have everything working in Bubble perfect. It refreshes every 20 seconds, which I can live with.

    I'm still curious about the questions above though.

    I'm also thinking about using Ably for push notifications, if that works with web apps like Bubble.

    No pressure to respond timely, I know this isn't urgent or a direct Xano question. Thanks!