uninstall extension not clean.


Hi There,
just to report that don't uninstall the "sendgrid email" extension after or when already have "Magic Link With Sendgrid" extension installed, because it will removed two functions used inside each of both (sendgrid_basic and send_grid dynamic) !
I am working good with the magic link and wanted to test the send mail extension with your script. After testing and don't need it, I removed and losed part of my other extension.
For me its not clean.

I will re-install the sendgrid email extension and hope the version for the two packages will be the same concerning the two included functions … is it right ? or will I uninstall all and restart clean from the auth ?


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hi, Thierry. It should be the same between the two extensions. I'm sorry for the trouble here and can definitely understand why you expected those functions to remain. We're working on some improvements to the marketplace flow and hope to address these types of issues directly in the near future.

  • thierry
    thierry Member

    nice for thaht.
    I tried to reinstall the send mail only but got an error now. In doubt I will resintall all from scratch…

  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Can you let me know the error you're seeing?

  • thierry
    thierry Member

    Hi, It was something like "error: ….. function:38" when calling f generate_magic_link whitin /auth/magi-link with GET. I finally get a result after using the function with run & debug manually, then after the GET ulr. something in the cache… don't know.

  • thierry
    thierry Member

    just to close this, I finally unsintalled all then reinstalled just the magiclink to get something running fine (more easy to look inside to find which function: xx was replaced /missing…)