Cutom error messages in xano


Hello there, I am new to using Xano and have just created my first Webflow-Wized-Xano-GPT3 application. I am curious if it is possible to personalize the error messages generated by Xano, specifically for user authentication?

Thank you, Andre


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    For the preprocessed authentication token, you don't have as much control, but for everything else you can set the payload and message associated error responses using Xano preconditions. You can find that feature under "utility functions". They can be pretty specific and useful!

  • nelson artunduaga

    It is possible, you must play with the codes http 200, 404, 300 etc, when you make a request to the api always comes with the code.
    In wized you put an action that if the code is different than 200 then a div appears with a text that says "invalid credentials" or whatever you want to put.