Can we add more fields in Xano connector signup action?

Lalith_pavan Member
edited April 2023 in Bubble

Hey everyone!

I was wondering if we can add more inputs to the xano connector signup actions so that i can easily pass more fields in the same action itself. For example, the signup action just has four standar inputs - First_name, Last_name, Email & password

What shall I do, if I want to pass phone number, Address etc fields through the same action?


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hi there! @Eli Beachy may have some better insight here, but you could also send additional information via a second request, or instead of using the Signup action directly, use a custom requeset. I'm not sure what the possibilities are here to modify the signup action directly.

  • Eli Beachy
    Eli Beachy Member

    Sorry guys, I'm not getting notifications from here for some reason. @Lalith_pavan working on an update now that will allow you to add as many fields as you want here. Should be live with in a couple of weeks.