1.52.1 (April 12, 2023)

Chris Coleman
Chris Coleman Administrator


edited June 2023 in ? Releases

🤖 New Feature - Metadata API

The Metadata API is currently in beta and is the next evolution of the Developer API. It provides support to programmatically manage your Xano content, such as creating new tables and updating schema, as well as a standardized set of APIs for basic CRUD operations. We are super excited to finally have this available, and look forward to enhancing the Metadata API functionality to work with all aspects of your Xano back-end. For more information, see the Metadata API documentation.

📑 Database Improvements

Complete Table Export

Export an entire database table to CSV — no more using the function stack or checking boxes next to individual records! This supports any number of records, and also supports respecting the applied filters, sorts, and / or database views.

Better Drag & Drop and File Upload

We've made a few improvements to the file upload flow from the database view. This includes the ability to drag files to any cell even without being selected as well as a progress bar for each file upload.

Better Copy / Paste Support in Database View

You can now paste into a cell without being in edit mode.

Better Array Re-ordering Experience

Adjust the order of records within arrays in the spreadsheet view.

⏲️ Timeout Support in Lambdas

No more infinite loops! The default for a Lambda timeout is 10 seconds, but can be changed.

💿 More Data Sources!

You now have the option to add as many additional data sources as you would like. No more "live" and "test" only. This is a premium add-on.

⚙️ New Instance Panel

Click the gear icon next to your instance to access all related settings, including the new Metadata API.

New Filters: min / max

Use these to quickly compare two values and find the minimum or maximum. Can be used in compliment with array_min and array_max to compare two sets of values.

🐞 Bug Fixes

Swagger documentation was not always properly identifying required fields

Certain public keys were not woring properly when decoding a JWS token using the RS256 algorithm (thank you, @Ray Deck)


  • xaniac
    xaniac Unconfirmed, Member

    This update just broke Xano for me. I can no longer edit any of my API Endpoints. Any tips?

  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator



    @xaniac we had to upgrade the free instance with more resources. It should be running smoothly now.

  • mauromequelussi

    I can't access my instances after the last update. Keeps loading and returns to the same place

  • Medalhei
    Medalhei Member

    All my Lambda functions are not working properly after the update

  • Inayet
    Inayet Member

    This is huge, now we can programtically CRUD on database tables. Excellent job Xano team

  • Future
    Future Member

    Is there any way (or is it planned) to be able to dynamically select a table in a function stack for our operations? Thanks!

  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    @Mauro Mequelussi-40201 / @Medalhei you should both be good to go; please reach out to support again if you're still having trouble!

    @Inayet thank you!

    @Future It's a big lift, but I think we do eventually want to be able to offer this.

  • mauromequelussi

    @Sean Montgomery @Chris Coleman Regarding the Metadata API, in addition to having permission levels per operation and content, it is necessary to implement the possibility of limiting per Workspace, especially when it comes to agency plans.

    Imagine several projects in a larger team, some freelancers and everyone having access to all workspaces, this can create a big problem.

    I did the native integration of WeWeb with Xano and this problem also occurs. By adding the instance token it is possible to access all workspaces/endpoints.

    Will this be resolved in future updates?