Custom function inside filters


Hi folks.
I have a custom function to be used in multiple fields of a record. I think the best way to update these fields is using filters whitin the Update function, but I can't find the way to do so.
Obviously I can create a new variable in the function stack to be assigned for each field but it's not very efficient, isn't it?

Do you know how to use custom functions as a filter?



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    I would create new variables in the function stack and then apply them in the update call. It's far easier to track as a developer (stacked filters are not obvious unless you open everything up), and opens the door to operations (like your custom function) that are stack-only.

    The difference in runtime between managing separate functions in the stack vs the filters is tiny - and doesn't always go the same way.

    Use whichever tools are going to improve your development velocity!

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  • AGenova
    AGenova Member

    Yes, I've used what you suggest, but I think it's not a clean solution. I would like to use a custom function in the filter stack.
    May I suggest it as an improvement?

    Thanks anyway.