Send text from Bubble to Xano, then include that text into an External API call url path

pachocastillosr Member
edited April 2023 in ? Help! I'm a Noob


I need to send this catalog id from my front end (Bubble) to Xano, and then call including the catalog id (that I received from the front end) into the API url.

How can I do that?

I've put the catalog_id as input:

How can I send that from Bubble to Xano now?

Should I add the catalog_id as a header or parameter or what?

By the way, I've been getting this error when trying to call this Xano endpoint:

I copied and pasted the endpoint URL, so it is correct. Is this because I have not fixed the catalog_id problem yet or what?



Best Answer

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    So in order to send it from Bubble to Xano is to paste your xano endpoint url in API connector, not sure if you have done that because url is not visible in your screenshot. Additionaly you should add catalog_id as a parameter in API connector and then initialize it.

    Most likely your have some trouble with your URL in API connector since he can't even find a request.

    Regarding external API in Xano you can put catalog_id from your input into your url by using replace filter. So in your facebook url you can for example change {catalog_id} to CAT_ID and the use replace filter and replace CAT_ID with your input.

    If you want we can have a short call and i will help you out with this.
