NOT IN Condition - How do I populate array of values?


Hi, I'm trying to add a NOT IN condition (custom query) using the Expression Query Bulder, but am unable to work out how to add an array of values to complete the expression? Can't see any examples in the documentation?

Any time I try I end up with an empty array?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Best Answer

  • bren
    bren Member
    Answer ✓

    I was able to create an array outside of the Query All Records function and then reference it in the NOT IN condition statement. Not ideal, but it works. Couldn't seem to create it inline no matter what I tried?


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Why is the solution not ideal in your view? For this level of complexity, I would try to surface data manipulation outside the QAR call anyway for better testability. And that's what you did!

  • bren
    bren Member

    Hi Ray,

    Comming from writing SQL queries, all the db logic information (condition statement) is contained within the query condition statement. That way I can see all the db query logic at a glance. The way I ended up having to do it, removes some of the information from the logic which imho is not ideal. But its just my opinion and I can see why others might think its a good solution, maybe even better than the solution I was seeking?