Help building this Job Matching Tool using Adalo frontend and leveraging SmartMatchApp Technology


I am building a tool for a client that we're calling Tinder for job search in the sense that it gives Talent only talent can reach out to companies/hiring managers. I want to leverage the matching technology already developed by SmartMatchApp

The key flow is :

1. When talent creates their profile on Adalo, their talent profile/job preferences gets stored in Xano and sent to SmartMatchApp via API.

2. When hiring manager posts a job on Adalo, that job’s preferences gets stored in Xano and sent to SmartMatchApp via API

3. When there is a match on SmartMatchApp, that response gets sent to Xano and then pushed to Adalo

So that when the Talent logs in, they will see a list of matched jobs that they can reach out to.

I'm looking for someone that can guide me on the process and if SmartMatchApp is not needed happy to learn more
