Someone to coach/guide/mentor me through my Adalo + Xano build


I have a full wireframed app that I am building in Adalo.

Given the new Xano <> Adalo integration I am looking for someone to provide "AirSupport" and basically look through the wireframes with me on what data can and should be stored in Xano and any useful tips and tricks to keep good performance and scalability.

I'll probably needs some hours to support and guide through the build but the key thing is I will be doing the building but want someone who can support me as I build for this client

Best Answer


  • NeonNinjaX
    NeonNinjaX Member

    So I've been told, might join v soon…

    Look out for me

  • Wanderman
    Wanderman Member

    Same issue here. Finished building my dream app in Adalo, then I realised the app would require future scaling of database. Upgraded my Adalo to access Xano, then got surprised with a whole new world of creating API and database. I have to re-build my app all over again with extreme challenge. If only Adalo will make video tutorials on how to re-create all their clonable app with Xano as database, it will be a dream come true!

  • Nathan Cox
    Nathan Cox Member

    Thinking of creating a short course on the integration, or at least a few YouTube videos when i get some time. In the meantime I do offer live coaching and screenshare via Google Meet. I've been integrating Adalo with Xano since over a year ago, before the official integration.

    If I'm ok to post the link here, please see my calendar below: