Creating tagging system in Flutterflow

Pawel Member
edited April 2023 in ? Help! I'm a Noob


I would like to create a tagging system in Flutterflow.
For every item in the table there would be string tags to select from the list of custom tags created by the user. The user would be able to create, edit and delete the tags. It would be perfect to filter with any tag also. My idea was to do UI in a form of selectable chips (choice chips) letting the user select or see what was is already selected.

There was similar question in the topic below but there the tags would be predetermined:

I tried to achieve it with Firebase, with "userTags" array and "itemTags" array and comparing both with a custom code loop. I managed it letting to show the selection on the chips.

However I did it only on array of strings (not document references) and I have a feeling I didn't choose the right approach.

Therefore I would like to kindly ask you for help or comment, how should I build it?

Is the relational DB better for it and would JSON more appopriate for storing data?

I'm a noob but trying to understand as much as I can and make it work somehow.

I will be grateful for any help! 🙏😀