Can Xano handle the backend tasks for Stripe Elements?


I have looked at the Stripe documentation ->
And I wonder if anyone managed to build a custom Stripe Elements checkout in say a front-end platform like Webflow using Xano as their back-end.


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Sure. You can utilize the code grabbing that payment data and put it back together on the back end just like you would do in Python, node or what have you. On the back end, it's just a matter of collecting the submitted form, and then performing the API requests to Stripe to execute the transaction.

    The front end is a little more work, because you will use the "plain js" part of stripe elements for your payment collection form and inject it into your HTML. This is where "no code" becomes "low code" but you retain a ton of control.

  • Leon Barth
    Leon Barth Member

    Oh, wow. Wouldn't have thought it was. I would love to learn more. I saw that you are a mentor at Statechange. I'll be in touch for more information.

    Do you happen to have some sort of cloneable? 😄