Very strange reaction from function stack - is this a bug?


Hi everyone,

I was working on a standard function that basically retrieves a list of urls and depending on the url structure it downloads and adds the file to my database (different types of files embedded).

Anyway, I have a a query that works well but this morning Xano stopped executing it and now returns the error message below after 1 sec of processing the query

There is no information in the debugger whatsoever. Turning the debugger off didn't change anything as well.

Is it something temporary that will fix itself or could it come from my query?

Thanks so much!

Best Answer

  • OpenCitizen
    OpenCitizen Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi Michael, thanks for reaching out and sorry for the late reply.

    In the end I managed to fix it myself; problem came from the fact that I was trying to use a "join" filter on an object that wasn't actually an array. Had to first retrieve each field into an array (through a loop) then the join filter worked as expected!

    So I guess the "bug" was just the debugger getting confused by my mistake ;)

    Thanks again and have a great day,
