1.52.2 (April 28, 2023)

Chris Coleman
Chris Coleman Administrator


edited June 2023 in ? Releases

πŸ“‘ New Feature - Request History Export

Request history can now be exported to CSV, or retrieved through the Metadata API.

πŸ€– Updates to the Metadata API

The Metadata API now includes additional endpoints, allowing you to programmatically manage your files library, as well as retrieve your request history.

πŸ“Š Workspace Statistics Improvement

Workspace statistics on the workspace list page now only show live branches instead of all branches.

πŸ” New Team & RBAC Permissions

For those who manage a team of Xano developers or are using role-based access control in their Xano instance, you now have a readonly and a suspended state available to choose from when specifying permissions for your team members.

𝌰 New Filters

Xano now supports new filters related to text character encoding.

detect_encoding - Detects the encoding on a text element
convert_encoding - Converts the encoding from one format to another
list_encodings - Lists all available encodings usable in the previous filters

🐜 Misc. Bug Fixes and Improvements


  • Inayet
    Inayet Member ✭

    @Chris Coleman nice improvements and updates with encoding filters. The permissions enhancements applies to all plans ie from free to all paid? would be cool/nice to mention if updates/upgrades apply to all plans or just certain ones.

  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator



    @Inayet the permission enhancements apply to all paid plans. Only paid plans have access to team members.

    Enterprise plans have the ability to further customize, but we wanted to make sure that all paid plans at least have the ability to grant read-only access to users, when they want to let people into their workspaces, but not worry about anything changing.

  • gbdoin
    gbdoin Member ✭

    @Chris Coleman Very happy about this implementation of request history access, this is a big one!