CSV upload to an enum list


I am having trouble uploading my csv to my enum list column. I was wondering how the data has to formatted in the csv to properly transfer to xano



  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    Can you provide some more details and screenshots of the errors or your function stack?

  • pmoney0412
    pmoney0412 Member

    Of course, essentially we have been collecting data on a google sheets from a google forms. Some of the fields for data we have collected contain multi select questions e.g. what careers are you interested in? Finance, Marketing, Sales. Then the data is stored on a google sheets as shown in the screen shot below. However, when uploading the CSV of that spreadsheet to Xano it doesn't format it the way we want. Typically, it'll upload test fields correctly but then any multi-select field that is uploaded to an enumerated field on Xano usually appears as and empty bracket. Or, if it only had one answer selected the correct answer will show up but any data with multiple answers doesn't. I'll leave the screenshots below hopefully this helps.

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭

    Ok, so I can see the tables. Can you show me a function stack when you are doing the upload? and the what exactly is the result after you are running it.