How to set dynamic path parameters on an external API?


Hi, I have this path url \

I need to set this path /walletId \ to be a dynamic input from my user database. I have tried everything from using sprintf filters to replace, but I am unable to replace the walletId with the variable result from the database.

Best Answer

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I would use replace as a filter, but as you say you're running into trouble. What i would do is try doing your string manipulation in a create variable call, and then use the variable you crate in the url for your external API request. This makes it easier for you to use, say, stop and debug to see what the result of your string manipulation is without getting it tangled up in the details of the API call. Once you are happy with the URL, remove the stop and debug and you can test the API call from there.