Help with API integration


Hi all,

I am used to API but this one is being tough on us. We believe it won't work in Xano because content-lengh won't be same as in Postman event if we use the exact same parameters. If anyone already experienced that, we would appreciate the help !

Thank y'all


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    Can you provide some more details about what exactly is the issue what is not working in Xano?

  • Sarah
    Sarah Member

    We did a call with you once I think. The error is " bad signature"

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Bad signature issues show up when the generated signature and the payload text are not quite aligned. I find that this requires a high level of control over the payload generation. I find that most of the time this calls for a lambda to use fetch or axios to micromanage what data goes over the network.

    This is more work, but I would also look at wrapping this concern into a function so that its isolated from the development you're doing in other tasks and endpoints.

    Dealing with security and cryptography is definitely part of the hardest 5% we work on in our daily office hours and forum on!