Confusing Display of Dates in Database View

Bryan Member
edited May 2023 in ? Help! I'm a Noob

Hi there,

In my day to day operations for my app, it is critical that my data is saved in UTC, which it is currently doing.

However while doing a query based on dates recently, I was missing some data, and while investigating the dates in my Xano database I got very confused thinking my dates where incorrectly being stored in Xano, but it turns out it was right all along.

I'm in Sydney, Australia so time here is UTC+11

However when looking at my database it shows it like this

When reading this I feel, one would infer that it's a GMT/UTC time + (timezone hours)

But it actually is converting it to my local time and also showing the + timezone hours. Which kinda doesn't make sense. Either show the +timezone hours (and UTC for the rest) or hide the +timezone hours completely.

My preference is it for the dates to show UTC time + local timezone hours

What do you think?



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @Bryan - timestamps are stored as UNIX timestamps in milliseconds. What is displayed in the database is a human-readable format that defaults to your browser settings. You can change this to whatever format and timezone you prefer from your account page.

  • Bryan
    Bryan Member

    Hi @Michael Udinski,

    I know about that but it just seems like a confusing display. For eg. if I went where you told me to go and I change it to UTC + 0

    Then the times displayed in the database show up as

    Feb 12, 2004 12:00am +00:00

    I personally don't see the need to have those extra +0000 in that situation.

    Or at least I would suggest making it smaller text so there is some indication that one shouldn't read the time altogether, i.e

    Feb 12 2004 12:00am (is one component) and +00:00 (is the second component)

    Cause the way I read it now is

    Feb 12 2004 11:00am (stored in the database) and add 11 hours to this to make it equal to my timezone cause of that +11 at the end.

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Yeah, I definitely get your confusion. Date and time are very tricky and difficult to understand thanks to Timezones. The formats you are referencing are standard ways of displaying DateTime - certainly not unique to Xano or databases.