How do I configure basic authentication credentials when calling an external API?


I am trying to create a shipping order in bpack (bpost) API. Basic authentication is required.

The below configuration does not work. The response that I get is that "This request requires HTTP authentication".

I have successfully tested the credentials in Hoppscotch testing tool. I am sure about the url, content-type, accept, username and passphrase values.

My issue is that I do not find any online resources that covers basic authentication.

Do I need to transform/encode the username and passphrase? Could someone point me in the right direction?

Best Answer


  • AMDS Web Agency

    Hi Ray,

    Thank you for the advice.

    It worked! It feels good :-)

    I have another hurdle to surpass. It is about passing XML context in the parameters.

    I will check the discussions before making a new post.