All lambdas are down


I don't have any lambda's working on my workspace anymore... what's going on with the lambdas?
I tested a small lambda that returns a simple string and I still get this message:
Promise timed out after 10000 ms

does anyone have the same problem?



  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hey Peter, this should be resolved. Please head back to support chat if you're still having issues! Thanks.

  • Peter
    Peter Member

    Hi Chris,
    I replied in the chat, the problem persists.
    I would like to know if we are the only ones to encounter this issue...

  • Dom Clegg
    Dom Clegg Member

    Im having the same issue where all variables using Lambda. Its completely killed all the endpoints or functions where lambda is in use. Hopefully you guys can get this fixed today!

  • Peter
    Peter Member

    Hi Dom, thanks for you feedback and sorry to read this ,
    On our side, the problem was miraculously solved around 12pm today. (some popup of loss of connection appeared 🧐 a night worker on the Xano team?)
    But still a morning of lost trying to correct the problem by not using lambdas anymore, wonderful ...
    However I would like to understand cause I have to justify the origin of the problem to my management...

  • Almantas
    Almantas Member

    it is still not working at the moment…

  • Lachlan
    Lachlan Administrator



    Hi there, this issue was resolved a few days ago. If you are experiencing problems with Lambda's this is likely unrelated and we request that you contact for further assistance.

  • Kevin Le
    Kevin Le Member

    Hey guys, i'm running into an issue where my lambda times out at 300s. is this supposed to be the case?

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hey @Kevin Le! 👋

    Since this is a performance issue, we encourage you to reach out to support. They'll be best able to diagnose what is happening in your instance.