Best practices for utilizing workspaces


Hello, Xano community!

I'm seeking advice on best practices for utilizing workspaces. Specifically, I'm interested in understanding whether it's recommended to divide a platform into multiple services or modules, each residing in its own workspace. For example, one workspace is dedicated to user and permission management (users, roles, permissions, and departments tabels), and another workspace is focused on a task and project management module (tasks, projects, comments, and categories tabels).

If I choose to divide my solution into modules as described above, I would like to know if it's possible to separate and migrate a workspace to an independent instance or sidecar service in the future, especially when scaling to the enterprise level.

I would greatly appreciate any tips regarding these considerations.

Thank you in advance for your help!


  • Lefteris -

    Hello @alfred.s,

    Unless your application has completely different functionalities, then it is always better to have everything in the same workspace, because you never know what information will need to co-exist in the future as you scale.

    The second part of your question would be better answered by a Xano employee.