1.53.1 (May 30, 2023)

Chris Coleman
Chris Coleman Administrator


edited July 2023 in ? Releases

⏰ Inactivity Timeout Improvements

When we introduced this feature in version 1.53, we wanted to provide an additional layer of security to protect your Xano account. We should have taken more care to provide a better experience here, and we are taking action on all of your feedback today.

We've introduced…

  • A longer default timeout — moving from 30 minutes to 2 hours
  • An option in your Account settings to adjust the duration of the timeout, or disable it entirely
  • Enterprise users with security policy enforcement can choose to enforce a specific inactivity timeout for their team members

Thank you to everyone who reached out to us about this. We always take your feedback seriously and it is invaluable in ensuring that we provide you with the best possible experience.

🐜 Misc. Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Xano is now much more friendly to Crtl+Click / opening links in new tabs. This was partially a fix to an issue introduced in the previous release, but the way we handle these types of clicks has been improved in general.
  • There was a small bug with CSV imports losing a couple of records in the process in some circumstances.
  • Misc fixes to multi-select copy & paste
