Xano Bug with my database

Osman Member
edited June 2023 in ❓Other questions

The records aren't lining up with the top and there's these random grey blocks appearing as well. I just renamed a column and then it started to glitch out. I've tried refreshing and all but nothing is seeming to make a difference.

I'm also currently on the free plan while setting up and so I don't have access to versions. If someone from the Xano team could please help out and restore it, I'd really appreciate it!

Edit: If I hide the id column and the relevance ranking column it the rest of the table becomes readable but I can't read the data in those 2 columns.

Edit 2: The first edit doesn't actually resolve the issue now. I don't know what's happening!

Edit 3: I think I should also add that this is only affecting this table in my database.

Edit 4: From hiding and unhiding the fields I know the issue lies within 2 columns the relevance ranking and the description as only when those 2 are visible does it glitch out. I think deleting these columns and adding them again could resolve the issue but I'll wait for the Xano team to investigate.


  • Osman
    Osman Member

    I've resolved the issue! I don't know what the problem was exactly but what I did was I isolated the two columns and then I tried to resize them. What was clear is there was an issue with their sizing because when I dragged them initially nothing was changing. However, when I increased their length by a lot it became in sync!

    Who knows what the problem was but I guess this still might prove useful for someone.

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @Osman!

    Thank you for sharing your solution! 🙏

    If you come across this issue again, please let us know. 🙂